

With a Distinct Perspective

On Building a Stronger Vocabulary

πŸ“š Struggling with unfamiliar vocabulary in academic readings as an #ESL student? 🌍 Don't worry, you're not alone! Here are some tips to help you tackle those challenging words:

πŸ”‘ Context is Key: Surrounding sentences often provide clues about the meaning of a word. Read them carefully to grasp the word's usage. Here’s a closer look on how to use the power of context clues.

πŸ’» Use Resources: Online dictionaries and language apps like and e-translation tools like DeepL can be your best friends. Explore synonyms and examples for a deeper understanding at, too.

πŸ“Œ Annotate! Annotate! Annotate!: Highlight, underline, or jot down unfamiliar words, and create a personal glossary for reference using this how-to guide.

πŸ”Ž Break It Down: Long words can be intimidating. Divide them into smaller parts to decipher their meanings. Here’s one of the best vocabulary sites on the Internet

Remember, building a strong vocabulary is a journey, not a race!

Embrace every reading as an opportunity to expand your vocabulary and enhance your academic prowess (…how β€˜bout THAT for a vocabulary word! πŸ˜‰)

Keep pushing your boundaries! πŸš€

Karen Livecchia